- It happened just lately. 这事就发生在最近。
- It happened just when we least expected it. 事情发生在我们最料想不到的时候。
- Sleepers can make it happen just by watching you. 沉睡者仅仅盯着你看就会使这种事情发生。
- It happened just after the arrival of Collins, a sailor whom Fillmore had got to know on the way over from America. 这件事情是柯林斯刚到后不久发生的,柯林斯是菲尔莫从美国来时在路上认识的一个海员。
- It happened late last century in 1895, to be exact. 事情发生在上个世纪末--准确地说,在1895年。
- It happened prior to my arrival. 这发生在我到达之前。
- It happened that my mother was out that day. 我母亲恰巧那天出去了。
- But it could happen just the same. 不过,这样的事情还是照样会发生的。
- It happens just as play time is over. DuDu cuts his hand in the schoolyard. His hand hurts. It makes DuDu feel awful. 事情发生在游戏时间快结束时,都都在操场上玩耍时划伤了手,他感到手很疼。这使都都觉得很糟糕。
- It happened in the year of grace88. 这件事发生在公元88年。
- I have not seen anything of him just lately. 近来我连他的影子也没见到过。
- It happened even as he had expected. 事情正如他所料的那样发生了。
- It happened far back in the past. 这事发生在久远的过去。
- It is only / just lately that I got a copy of the novel. 最近我才弄到一本这部小说。
- It happened somewhere in the 18th century. 这事发生在十八世纪某个时候。
- It happened that the harvest was bad in 1988. 碰巧一九八八年的收成很糟。
- How are you coming on with your work just lately? 最近你们的工作情况如何?
- It happened in the nineteenth century. 这事发生在十九世纪。
- It happened on three separate occasions. 这件事在三个不同场合都发生过。
- It is only/ just lately that I got a copy of the novel. 直到最近我才弄到这部小说的一个副本。